→ Blue Dot/White Tangerine
From the Microscope to the Telescope

→ Workshops/Events

This page provides information about workshops and events related to our Blue Dot/White Tangerine research projects. 
For a full calendar of events associated with NeurAstra—but not necessarily organised by the organisation—please visit the Space Rendezvous page.
For upcoming events related to our educational and research initiatives (KOSMOS+), please visit the KOSMOS+ Events & Gatherings page. 

© SGAC — FIGURES Workshop

14.07.2023 / CONFERENCE & WORKSHOP / (SM) (HF)

SGAC FIGURES x Aerospace Europe Conference
with Space Generation Advisory Council

The Aerospace Europe Conference 2023 is a joint event between the 10th European Conference for Aerospace Sciences (EUCASS) and the 9th conference of the Council of European Aerospace Societies (CEAS). The objectives of 2023 were to strengthen the link between space and aeronautics, facilitate cross-fertilisation, and lay the foundations for a major unified international congress of aerospace sciences in Europe.

The Space Generation Advisory Council FIGURES team (Fill In the Gap in Human Research in Space) proposed a workshop where participants could explore the significance of gender-disaggregated data and its impact on decision-making, policy formulation, and resource allocation. It delved into the challenges faced in collecting gender-sensitive data, identifying existing gaps, and discussing strategies to bridge them effectively with a keen focus on empathy mapping.

Read the White Paper