NeurAstra NewsLog last update: 17/02/2025
(S06) Nimbus.ArchivesBookmarksThe ‘Bookmarks’ page has been updated with new links. Visit here
Space RendezvousNew avents added to our calendar – Stay tuned!Check the events
KOSMOS+NeurAstra Educational Programme (NAEP)Applications for the NAEP initiative are now closed.
Space RendezvousNew avents added to our calendar – Stay tuned!Check the events
Antipodes JournalThe article “From 2024 to 2025” has been shared.Read here
Antipodes JournalAntipodes is now available on Substack—stay updated with our latest news each month!Subscribe to Antipodes
Antipodes JournalThe article “In Memory of Valérie André: A Pioneer in Medicine, Aviation, and Humanitarian Service” has been shared.Read here
Antipodes JournalThe article “Stories About the International Space Station” has been shared.Read here
Space RendezvousNew avents added to our calendar – Stay tuned!Check the events
/Les Nouveaux CosmiquesWe are excited to announce the launch of our Annual Survey to gather feedback from our community. Let us know how we can improve, what you value most, and what you want to see in the future. Take the survey ()
(S06) Nimbus.ArchivesK+X > 361 > K-Z LibraryThe catalogue has been updated with new titles.
Visit here
/Les Nouveaux CosmiquesA warm welcome to our new collaborators who will work on developing our Altanube Pando SYSTEM. Read here
KOSMOS+NeurAstra Educational Programme (NAEP)Applications for the NAEP initiative are now open. The deadline to apply is 31/01/2025. Apply
Antipodes JournalThe article “Remembering Jacques Roubaud: The Man Who Redefined Creativity Through Constraints” has been shared. Read here
(S06) Nimbus.ArchivesBookmarksThe ‘Bookmarks’ page has been updated with new links. Visit here
Antipodes JournalThe article “Mental Health at the Edge of the World” has been published to illustrate the Mental Health Day. Read here
(S03) SpecteoreThe project ATNS-I has been shared.
Read here
(S06) Nimbus.ArchivesK+X > 361 > K-Z LibraryThe catalogue has been updated with new titles.
Visit here
(S06) Nimbus.ArchivesThe Dog-Ear ClubThe Dog-Ear Club is ready to start again, and we picked the book of the humorous travel of Mark Twain in our beloved Alps to launch the 2024/2025 session.
KOSMOS+Events & GatheringsInscriptions for “Cosmic Connections II — Bridging the Gap between Space Radiation & Space Exploration” are now closed.Read here
(S06) Nimbus.ArchivesThe Dog-Ear ClubRegistrations for the September-June 2024/2025 journal club sessions are now closed.
.xyzThe .xyz project “MOL” will be exposed all summer at AltaNube 74 (Haute-Savoie, FR). Visit here
Antipodes JournalThe article “Being a Celestrograph: Keeping Track of Celestial Events & the Passage of Time” has been published with a citizen science activity. Read here
Antipodes JournalThe article “Lunar Timekeeping: What is it?” has been published. Read here
Antipodes JournalThe article “Satellite Orbits for Connectivity and Communications: What are the Benefits and the Limitations?” has been published. Read here
(S06) Nimbus.ArchivesThe Dog-Ear ClubThe September-June 2023/2024 sessions of the journal club are now closed, and the registrations for the September-June 2024/2025 sessions are open.Apply ()
(S02) Altanube PandoCassini ToursRegistrations for the tours “The Story of the Non-Observatory” in Mont-Salève, France and “Nights of Perseids” in Bernex, Switzerland (August 2024) are now closed.
(S01) BD/WTNeurodegeneration in Deep SpaceThe research project will be presented at the 2024 ELGRA SYMPOSIUM in Liverpool on September 3-6. Join the event ()
(S07) N400The latest SPIKE, “Aurora Borealis”, has been shared in the SPIKES.LIBRARY and on the Nimbus.Archives online account. Read here
[OldeST news ARE archived]