S06 → Nimbus.Archives
K+X > 361 > K-Z


No one has elaborated better than Georges Perec on the art of thinking and classifying* our surroundings through systematic enumeration and creative inventories. In an always-moving and changing world, categorising the planet’s most random items could seem desperate. Still, Nimbus.Archives sees this approach as an inspiration for classifying efficiently the large amounts of data collected and stored across projects.

After planning, exploring, and discovering, it is time to look at what was gathered and start organising. Organising refers to arranging and coordinating elements systematically to achieve a purpose within a structured framework. This process involves: 1. inventorying the pieces of information, 2. establishing relationships, 3. defining categories, 4. assigning names (i.e., tag), and 5. designing a consistent structure to facilitate information retrieval. Following this methodology, Nimbus.Archives operates as a repository to document our inspiration, preserve our findings, and store insights for future uses.

*Georges Perec — Think/Classify // K+X > 361 > K-Z refers to the ideal size of one’s library, according to G.Perec.

© Adolph von Menzel — Cloud Study
© Ferdinand Hodler — Rhythmic Landscape on Lake Geneva










K+X > 361 > K-Z

Library Catalogue

The Dog-Ear Club


KOSMOS+ Teaching Platform


Antipodes Journal


N400 Spikes



Hello B.H.