Each NeurAstra initiative, called SYSTEM, takes the concept of observation, research, and exploration to heart and proposes different and complementary ways to apprehend our surroundings.


Blue Dot/White Tangerine
From the Microscope to the Telescope

Hypotheses & Research

Built as a dual entity, Blue Dot/White Tangerine emphasises the importance of putting things in perspective and conducting research at different scales. From the microscope to the telescope, from our pale blue dot to the white moon; this system challenges us to wonder, question, hypothesise, and dig into the not-always-linear steps of the research process. S01

© Cassini

Altanube Pando
Mapping & Understanding Spaces

Cosmography & Terroirs

Altanube Pando seeks to rise and expand our sight to identify the general features of the universe and chart the world through a creative combination of geographic precision and artistic expression. Beyond the sole notions of geography or topography of territories, we aim to emphasise terroirs—with their unique characteristics and landmarks—to depict exhaustively spaces and the role humans occupy in them.

© Revue Icare

Sic Itur Ad Astra

Expeditions & Habitats

The concepts of aspirational quest and ascension galvanised the rise of Specteore to drive observation and research in situ, outside the context of a laboratory. By studying means of locomotion, territories’ constraints, equipment, and the logistics of expeditions, we plan to conceive a unique structure optimised to endure the harshness of travel while creating a safe and self-contained habitat. S03

© George Henry Hall

Poutchka Patrol
Meeting the Residents

Fauna & Flora

Poutchka Patrol is committed to understanding the authentic story of living organisms in their local environments. How they evolved and adapted and how they continuously interact with their ecosystems to shape them: these ethological studies of the fauna and the flora is a complementary step to dive into the development and evolution of life.

© NeurAstra

Blue Hours
Weightlessness Moments

Serendipitous Wanders

Blue Hours began with a strange shape in the sky—a cloud—suddenly torn apart by a violent wind, leaving a ghostly trail between pink-tinged rays of sunlight. From this silent spectacle, the idea of raising the head from daily life to let the feet wander and the mind float without expecting anything particular, only to observe the world, became more than a pastime; it became a necessity.S05

© Adolph Menzel

K+X > 361 > K-Z

Collections & Inventories

In an always-moving and changing world, categorising the planet’s random items could seem desperate. Still, Nimbus.Archives sees this approach as an inspiration for classifying efficiently the large amounts of data collected across projects. This process involves: 1. inventorying the pieces of information, 2. establishing relationships, 3. defining categories, 4. assigning names (i.e., tag), and 5. designing a consistent structure to facilitate information retrieval. S06


The Spike of Fascinating & Unexpected

Analyses & Insights

Once we start to see carefully around us, there is an infinity of events in our surroundings that deserve more than just a quick look. N400 picks from other SYSTEMS’ peregrinations some of the most intriguing facts that trigger spikes of curiosity and release waves of genuine interest to document them through short notes (called ‘spikes’). S07

© NeurAstra

Atlas of Action Potentials

Creative Synthesis

Thousands of stories take inspiration from life to look at it through the magnifying lens of fiction. AofAP is where the influx of research findings generated in previous systems propagate and connect. It is where the accuracy of science finally merges with the ingenuity of narration in a creative synthesis. S08

Recommended reading
/From Observation to Narratives