S04 → Poutchka Patrol
Meeting the Residents

“We have to remember that what we observe is not nature herself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning.” With these words, theoretical physicist Werner Heisenberg pointed out an essential flaw that we, optimist scientists and intrepid explorers, need to consider once in the field: are we skilled enough to ask the right questions and understand their answers to apprehend the true essence of nature? 

Animals, plants, fungi, protists, archaea, and bacteria; we are surrounded by a myriad of living beings that populate lands. Poutchka Patrol is committed to understanding the authentic story of these residents in their local conditions by asking how they evolved and adapted and how they continuously interact with their ecosystems to shape them. To do so, we must set aside preconceived ideas and potential biases. Through observation, description, and measurements of the acts and posture that comprise the behavioural repertoire of living organisms, these ethological studies of the fauna and the flora will be a complementary step to dive into the development and evolution of Life.

