NeurAstra is part of a broader initiative designed to encompass the entire process of (scientific) discovery.
To maintain the integrity of each approach, distinct 'organisms' were created, each with its respective projects and unique logic.

Laboratory of Observation & Research

Independent Nonprofit Organisation (NPO)
NeurAstra brings together science, nature, and space enthusiasts to investigate human adaptation in remote and extreme environments on Earth—and beyond.

Chemical Interplay of Science & Art

SciArt Platform
.xyz takes scientific questions and concepts to new horizons, emphasising the use of creative tools and processes to extract their underlying rationales.

Order out of Chaos

Educational Platform
KOSMOS+ adopts an educational approach to share NeurAstra’s findings alongside the insights of great minds throughout history, offering gatherings, lectures, and tailored research programmes.

Insights in Motion

Consultancy / Innovation Lab
P/Twain is an independent consultancy created by NeurAstra's co-founder, Clara. Specialising in research, consulting, and science communication, this hub bridges the gap between research and real-world industry applications. This partnership enables NeurAstra projects to evolve into actionable solutions.