Journal of Extremes

Exploring the Frontiers of Life and Adaptation
from Earth’s Extremes to the Cosmos

From the Microscope to the Telescope


“NeurAstra arose from the passion of a handful of enthusiasts fascinated by Life in all its diverse, unexpected, and complex forms. Driven by the necessity of unravelling the rationales of our existence shaped in a universe characterised by slow evolution, sophisticated adaptations, and extreme environments, we gathered, and, together, went our own way. [...]” Read more


Mental Health at the Edge of the World


“This October, we unite globally to raise awareness, break the stigma, and promote mental well-being for all. This year’s theme set by the World Federation of Mental Health is workplace mental health. The theme highlights the importance of addressing mental health and well-being in the workplace to benefit people, organisations, and communities. [...]” Read more

Satellite Orbits for Connectivity and Communications: What are the Benefits and the Limitations?


“Since the launch of the first space satellite, Sputnik I, in 1957 by the Soviet Union, orbits around Earth have never been so crowded. Commonly classified according to their function and the place they occupy up there, artificial satellites cover a wide range of purposes. Among them, satellites designed and deployed for connectivity and communication are of particular importance. [...]” Read more

BRAINS — Imaging Structure & Function


BRAINS retraces the captivating history of neuroimaging—the visualisation of the brain’s structure, function, and biochemical activity—by illustrating the evolution of techniques used to represent the brain over the centuries. [...]”
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MOL — High-Resolution Reconnaissance


“Through the use of satellite imagery, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and advanced data visualisation techniques, modern tools have revolutionised our perception and understanding of the planet. The Earth’s landscapes can now be captured and analysed with unprecedented precision and detail. [...]” Discover more

Remembering Jacques Roubaud: The Man Who Redefined Creativity Through Constraints


“We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Jacques Roubaud, a unique figure in the literary world, whose unique blend of mathematics and poetry left an indelible mark on both disciplines. [...]” Read more

Lunar Timekeeping: What is it?


“The timekeeping system of the Moon, also known as Coordinated Lunar Time (LTC), is an in-progress initiative to implement a proper and common lunar time zone worldwide to coordinate space operations safely. [...]” Read more

Being a Celestographer:
Keeping Track of Celestial Events
& the Passage of Time


“Watching the shape of a tree trunk, following the path of the wind; we have often mentioned our attachment to contemplative activities in several of our initiatives. Beyond its recreational purpose, observing the sky is a stimulating exercise that trains us to observe and capture celestial events with accuracy and creativity. [...]” Read more

S.H.E.L.L. — Ordinary Life in Extraordinary Places


S.H.E.L.L. (Space Habitats and Everyday Life in Low-earth orbit) is a graphic essay that explores the unique and often overlooked facets of daily life aboard the International Space Station (ISS). This project aims to highlight the routine activities, personal experiences, and human interactions of astronauts living and working in the extraordinary environment of space, showcasing how everyday life continues amidst the rigours of space exploration. [...]” Discover more