The Dog-Ear Club

The Dog-Ear Club is the book club of NeurAstra. It is hosted every month from September to June. 
The concept is simple: we pick a book, read it, and discuss it together (in French).

Next Meeting

Jean Giono — Le poids du ciel

2024/2025 SESSION

(01/2025)Pierre GRIPARI — L’incroyable équipée de Phosphore NolocLITERATURE
(12/2024)Alexandre DUMAS — La reine MargotLITERATURE
(11/2024)Italo CALVINO — MarcovaldoLITERATURE
(10/2024)Romain BERTRAND — Le détail du mondeNATURAL SCIENCE
(09/2024)Mark TWAIN — Ascensions en télescopeLITERATURE

2023/2024 SESSION

(06/2024)Ivan GONTCHAROV — OblomovLITERATURE
(05/2024)Raymond LŒWY — La laideur se vend malDESIGN/LITERATURE
(04/2024)Alexandre LACROIX — Devant la beauté de la natureNATURAL SCIENCE
(03/2024)Jon MOOALLEM — L'hippo d'AmériqueADVENTURE
(02/2024) Jean-Christian PETIT-FILS — L'affaire des poisonsHISTORY
(01/2024) Michel BAY — Penser ou cliquerDESIGN
(12/2023) Dino BUZZATI — Le désert des TartaresLITERATURE
(11/2023) Marc JEANNEROD — Le cerveau intimeMEDICINE
(10/2023) Bruno LÉANDRI — Les ratés de l’aventureADVENTURE

We are currently selling some of our books to refresh our collections.
Take a look at our Vinted account if you are interested in some of our items.

Book Sale