Programme Timeline        

(> please note: for a better user experience, we recommend using a desktop device to read the chart.)

3-months prog.
(designed for ± 12 weeks)

Main responsibilities
6-months prog.
(designed for ± 24 weeks)

Main responsibilities
1-year prog.
(designed for ± 48 weeks)

Main responsibilities

(S01) Blue Dot/White Tangerine
> H.A.P.M.O.S.
PI: Clara Richard
> archive / literature search
> data extraction
> data classification
> preliminary notes

> archive / literature search
> data analysis / synthesis
> writing
(e.g., reviews / white papers)
> search / writing
> elaboration of research proposals
> participation in research projects
(e.g., data collection)

(S02) Altanube Pando
> Cassini Tours
> Cartography in the Renaissance
PI: Javier Bonet
> archive / literature search
> preliminary notes
> archive / literature search
> writing activities
> archive / literature search
> writing activities

> elaboration of guides
(e.g., scouting / writing)

(S03) Specteore
PI: Javier Bonet
> archive / literature search
> preliminary notes

(coming soon)

(coming soon)

(S04) Poutchka Patrol
PI: Clara Richard
> archive / literature search
> preliminary notes

(coming soon)

(coming soon)

(S05) Blue Hours*

(S06) Nimbus.Archives
> librarian / archivist
(e.g., maintain the resources updated)
> librarian / archivist
(e.g., maintain the resources updated)
> librarian / archivist
> coordination of The Dog-Ear Club

(S07) N400
> archive / literature search
> preliminary notes
> archive / literature search
> writing activities
> archive / literature search
> writing activities
> participation in the editorial project

(S08) AofAP
main activity:
> free writing
(e.g., science/nature/space topics)
> research / writing activities
(e.g., essays / short notes)
> research / writing activities
(e.g., essays / short notes / short novels)
> research / writing activities
(e.g., essays / short novels / novels)

> Beyond Borders
> Cosmic Connections
> archive / literature search
> preliminary notes
> archive / literature search
> elaboration of the syllabus
>  preparation of the material / content
> archive / literature search
> elaboration of the syllabus
>  preparation of the material / content

> preparation of events
(e.g., gatherings and online resources)

*(S05) Blue Hours is not open for the Associate Programme for now.