S07 → N400
The Spike of Fascinating & Unexpected
© 1. Arthur Meyerson / 2. unknown — Offshore drilling rig / 3. Henrik Lehnerer / 4. Kathryn Barnes — “Platform Holly is one of eight oil platforms off Santa Barbara, and Ventura set to be decommissioned in the next decade, which means the oil wells will be plugged and abandoned; the fate of the structures themselves is undecided” / 5. Autoridad RPC — Fortaleza de la Tormenta, Sitio-001 Instalación de Contención Subacuática de Máxima Seguridad / 6. ESA — Casablanca drilling platform near Barcelona, Spain / 7. United States Coast Guard/Robert M. Reed — “Thunder Horse” the semi-submersible platform owned by BP was found listing after the crew returned, the rig was evacuated for Hurricane Dennis / 8. ETAP / 9. Woodside / 10. unknown.
The main working area of the platform where drilling, production, and maintenance operations take place is called the deck. The deck typically houses drilling equipment, processing facilities, storage tanks, living quarters for personnel, and other essential infrastructure. The support structure of an oil platform provides stability and buoyancy, allowing the platform to withstand the forces of wind, waves, and currents. Depending on the water depth and seabed conditions, support structures may include fixed platforms anchored to the seabed, floating platforms moored in place with anchors or dynamic positioning systems, or compliant towers designed to flex with the motion of the waves.
Oil platforms are equipped with specialised drilling rigs and equipment for drilling wells into the seabed and extracting oil and gas reserves. This equipment may include drilling derricks, drilling rigs, blowout preventers, and riser systems for transporting oil and gas to the surface. They also include facilities for processing and treating the oil and gas produced from the wells. This may involve separating oil, gas, and water, removing impurities, and preparing the hydrocarbons for transport to shore via pipelines or tanker ships.
The world’s deepest oil platform, the Perdido platform, operates in the Gulf of Mexico, it is located approximately 320 kilometres (200 miles) offshore, it sits in water depths of around 2,438 metres (8,000 feet).
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