S07 → N400
The Spike of Fascinating & Unexpected
© 1. Office de Tourisme de Saint-Gervais Mont-Blanc — Refuge du Goûter / 2. Flavio Pesamosca — Bivouac Luca Vuerich / 3. LeapFactory — Bivouac Gervasutti, Massif du Mont-Blanc / 4. Anne Lutz & Thomas Stöckli — Refuge “On Mountain Hut” / 5. Rémih — Refuge des Cosmiques / 6. unknown — Bivouac du Petit Mont Blanc / 7. unknown — Refuge Monte Cristallo / 8. Georges Tairraz — Refuge-bivouac des Périades, firstly built by Chevalier and Sauvage in 1925, Mont Blanc, Chamonix, 3459m (1957) / 9. refuges.info — Bivouac de la Fourche (Alberico Borgna) et le glacier de la Brenva, arête de la Brenva, Vallée d'Aoste, Italie / 10. Vivian Bruchez/Mathéo Jacquemoud — Bivouac des Périades / 11. Guide des refuges alpins (éditions Hoebeke) — Refuge des Cosmiques.
Among the most intriguing huts is the interesting story of the Refuge des Cosmiques (Cosmiques Hut). Accessible via the Aiguille du Midi cable car from Chamonix and located at around 3600 metres altitude near the “Arête des Cosmiques” and the Aiguille du Midi in the Mont Blanc massif of the French Alps, this mountain hut has many stories to share.
During the 1950s, the Cosmiques Hut played a significant role as a research station for studying cosmic rays in the high-altitude environment of the Mont Blanc massif. In 1943, during the war, the French CNRS-National Centre for Scientific Research established this high-altitude laboratory under the aegis of Louis Leprince-Ringuet to study cosmic rays and their applications in nuclear physics. In 1946, the laboratory was inaugurated in the presence of Irène Joliot-Curie and continued to be operated until 1955. High voltage lines suspended above the glaciers supplied the necessary electric power. “This is how up there – in the words of Leprince-Ringuet – in really sporty conditions, with an electric cable, a local electricity power source, some electron counters, a small Wilson apparatus, we managed to study particles from cosmic radiation.”
→ Sourced from: SYSTEM 03 (Specteore)
→ Stored online: N400 Spikes Repository
→ Search log: Google images / Jean-Marie Malherbe - L' épopée des Cosmiciens à l'Aiguile du Midi / Refuges.info
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