S07 → N400
The Spike of Fascinating & Unexpected
© 1. Joshua Jo/Shutterstock / 2. The Tweed Foundation — scale “readings” / 3. unknown — Messina Straits Argyropelecus hemigymnus, this deep sea hatchetfish has scales which reflect blue light / 4. Michael W. Davidson/The Florida State University — Ctenoid Fish Scale / 5. Josef Reischig — Fish scale 300x / 6. Dennis Kunkel Microscopy/Science Photo Library — Amatitlania nigrofasciata fish scale / 7. Evident — Ctenoid fish scale / 8. Josef Reischig — Fish scale 600x / 9. Nature’s Workshop Plus — Dogfish Placoid scale / 10. Jean-Marie Cavanihac — cycloid scales: some species’ scales can have pigmentation dots, for example, on rainbow trout / 11. Jean-Marie Cavanihac — cycloid scales: smelt / 12. Jeff Rotman/Photolibrary/Getty Images — Shark placoid scales.
One intriguing aspect of fish scales is their role as a historical record of a fish’s age and growth, akin to the rings of a tree. Under a microscope, the growth rings on a fish scale can reveal not just the fish’s age but also the environmental conditions it encountered throughout its life, providing valuable insights for scientists. Moreover, the protective layer of slime on fish scales, serving as a defence mechanism against parasites and infections, underscores their crucial role in maintaining the fish’s health and well-being.
Some fish scales have even found unique uses outside the aquatic world. For example, in certain cultures, fish scales are used in the production of iridescent jewellery and decorative items due to their shiny and reflective properties. Furthermore, research has shown that fish scales can inspire technological advancements; their structure has influenced the development of lightweight, flexible, and strong materials used in modern engineering and design. In the culinary realm, fish scales have an interesting role as well. In some cuisines, they are fried and consumed as a crunchy snack, showcasing the diverse ways in which different parts of the fish are utilised.
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