S07 → N400
The Spike of Fascinating & Unexpected
© 1. MIT Museum — Margaret Hamilton standing next to listings of the software that she and her MIT team produced for the Apollo Project / 2. Central Social Institution of Prague — The offices of the Central Social Institution of Prague with the largest vertical letter file in the world, those people in lifting desks were at the control of 3000 drawers of information (1937) / 3. Julian Rosefeldt — Archive of Archives (Nr. 6, Newspaper archive of Süddeutsche Zeitung) (1995) / 4. Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya — Bulletin of the Art Museums of Barcelona from 1936, the private life of the museum / 5. The New York Times — The New York Times photo library when it was located in the art department (1948) / 6. Henri Cartier-Bresson — Bankers Trust, New York (1960) / 7. Cincinnati Library Card Catalog — Woman checking the drawers in Public Library of Cincinnati, Ohio (1955) / 8. Casa de la Junta de Museos — Sala de depósito en la Casa Solà-Morales en Olot (1936) / 9. Guild of Air Traffic Control Officers — Aston Down, a RAF airfield in Gloucestershire (1985) / 10. unknown — Washington National Records Center Stack Area with Employee Servicing Records / 11. Hulton-Deutsch Collection/CORBIS/Corbis via Getty Images — Control Room at BBC Broadcasting House / 12. Harris & Ewing — Patent record files / 13. Cleveland Public Library — 1971 scene of a “50,000 book librarian nightmare” that occurred at the Lorain Public Library in Lorain, Ohio.
The word “archive” derives from the Greek word “arkheion”, which referred to the public building in ancient Greece where official government documents were stored. This building, called the “arkheion”, was also the residence of the chief magistrate or archon, who was responsible for overseeing these records. Over time, the term “archive” evolved to encompass not just government records but also any collection of historical documents or records preserved for research, reference, or historical purposes. They are typically organised according to principles of provenance and original order, meaning that materials are grouped and arranged based on their creator or source and maintained in the order in which they were created or received.
The Great Library of Alexandria, one of the most famous libraries of the ancient world, is said to have housed a vast collection of scrolls and texts from various civilisations. However, its demise is still shrouded in mystery. While it is commonly believed to have been destroyed in a fire, the exact circumstances remain uncertain. Some historical accounts attribute its destruction to various events, including fires caused by Julius Caesar’s troops during the Siege of Alexandria in 48 BCE or by the decree of a Roman emperor.
Formed in 2003, the International Internet Preservation Consortium (IIPC) is a global organisation dedicated to archiving the internet. The IIPC consists of libraries, archives, and other organisations from around the world working together to collect and preserve websites, online publications, social media, and other digital content for future generations.
→ Sourced from: SYSTEM 06 (Nimbus.Archives)
→ Stored online: N400 Spikes Repository
→ Search log: Google images
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