S07 → N400
The Spike of Fascinating & Unexpected
© 1. S.A.F.A.R.A — Aéroplane Givaudan (1909) / 2. unknown — Jourdan (1911) / 3. unknown — Jourdan (1911) / 4. Louis Paulhan — Triple-decker plane ("Triplan Paulhan") (1911) / 5. Capitain Jean Dorand — Dorand Multiplane (1908 - 1909) / 6. Édouard Vedovelli — Vedovelli Multiplane (1911) / 7. Marquis D'ecquevilly — Multiplan (1908) / 8. unknown / 9. unknown — Kauffmann No. 1 (1910) / 10. Horatio Phillips — Multiplane (1904) / 11. Library of Congress — Wright Flyer by the Wright brothers (1903) / 12. Chanel — Russian Leather (1924).
The Wright brothers, Orville and Wilbur, are credited with inventing and building the world’s first successful aeroplane. On December 17, 1903, Orville Wright piloted the Wright Flyer for 12 seconds, covering a distance of 36.5 metres (120 feet) at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. This historic flight marked the birth of powered, controlled, sustained flight, revolutionising transportation and paving the way for modern aviation.
Neil Armstrong, the first human to set foot on the moon, included pieces of the original Wright Flyer in his Personal Preference Kit (PPK) during the Apollo 11 mission. This historic gesture connected the achievements of the first powered flight and the first manned moon landing, symbolising the incredible advancements in aerospace technology within a span of just 66 years. After the mission, the pieces of the Wright Flyer that travelled to the moon were returned to the United States and became part of the Wright brothers’ artefacts.
Inspired by the leather used in the cockpits of early aircraft, Chanel created a specific perfume called “Cuir de Russie”, which translates to “Russian Leather”. This iconic fragrance, created by Ernest Beaux in 1924, was designed to evoke the smell of the finely tanned leather used in the boots, jackets, and cockpits of Russian military personnel and early aviators. The scent is known for its luxurious, smoky, and slightly floral notes, combining elements like birch tar, leather, tobacco, and florals to create a complex and sophisticated fragrance.
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→ Search log: Google images / Avriafrance / Leonard E. Opdycke - French Aeroplanes before the Great War
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