From the Microscope to the Telescope
Our Manifesto was presented during conferences and online events as an introduction to our activities and aspirations. This in-person delivery method offers us the opportunity to highlight the rationales articulating NeurAstra and our main references.
We wanted to share them here as well—in an, unfortunately, less interactive way—as we believe they could help understand our vision.
We wanted to share them here as well—in an, unfortunately, less interactive way—as we believe they could help understand our vision.
NeurAstra arose from the passion of a handful of enthusiasts [1] fascinated by Life in all its diverse, unexpected, and complex forms [2]. Driven by the necessity [3] of unravelling the rationales of our existence shaped in a universe characterised by slow evolution, sophisticated adaptations, and extreme environments [4], we gathered, and, together, went our own way [5].
Because our vast and dynamic universe has long kept the secrecy of its nature [6], we were prepared for the fact that one lifetime was surely not enough to disentangle this intricate network of nebulous mechanisms and stellar phenomena [7]. Nevertheless, we decided to try, and we started our research journey by embracing the “From... to...” formula. Neither a protocol nor a method, we elaborated it as a stylistic exercise [8], a stance, to explore the world at different scales [9].
From crossopterygians to Homo sapiens, retracing the evolution of the pathways and ramifications of life on Earth gives us a glimpse at the enduring continuity and constant back-and-forth that link hypotheses and evidence [10].
From a single electrical impulse at a synapse to the innervation of an entire cortex [11], zooming in and out between the two reminds us that our consciousness relies on the structural interconnection of isolated units to form a whole functioning system [12].
From a sole pale blue dot [13] to distant galaxy clusters, observing the fragility of our existence from a new viewpoint [14] helps us adjust our interactions with our surroundings and reconsider the place we occupy in them [15].
It is consequently by navigating in this interplay [16] between theoretical and empirical, micro and macro, proximity and infinity—from the microscope to the telescope—that we launched our reflections [17] beyond the layers of Earth’s atmosphere [18].
And here we are—sitting above the Kármán line [19], surrounded by giant dust clouds made of ethyl formate [20], the brain wandering among the stars [21]—harmonising our observations [22] and reimagining paradigms with a new set of rules and guidelines [23].
We, the new Cosmiques of this era, are ready to embrace this timeless challenge. Are you as well?
[1] /Les Nouveaux Cosmiques
[2] Our understanding of Life will depend on our capacity to explore what is different, unexpected (serendipity), and difficult to apprehend at first. We shall never forget that “[...] What we observe is not nature herself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning.” — Werner Heisenberg.
[3] “Necessity is the mother of invention” — probably enounced in Aesop’s Fables, “The Crow and the Pitcher” in the mid-6th century BCE.
[4] Definitions of adaptation vary across disciplines, but they all capture the idea of adjustments in a system’s behaviour and characteristics to cope with stress or change, leading to an increased probability of reproduction or persistence. Coined in evolutionary biology, the term broadly refers to the evolution of genetic or behavioural outcomes that enable organisms or systems to cope with externally and internally driven changes to survive and reproduce. Adaptation refers to both the current state of being adapted and to the dynamic evolutionary processes leading to adaptation. Adaptation enhances the fitness and survival of the evolving entities. (Reyes-Garcia et al., 2016 — “Multilevel processes and cultural adaptation”)
[5] “Aut inveniam viam aut faciam” — It is Latin for “I shall either find a way or make one”. The phrase has been attributed to Hannibal. When his generals told him it was impossible to cross the Alps by elephant, this was supposedly his response. The first part of the sentence, “inveniam viam”, “I shall find a way”, also appears in other contexts in the tragedies of Seneca, spoken by Hercules and by Oedipus, and in Seneca’s Hercules Furens (Act II, Scene 1, line 276).
[6] The universe is in a constant state of expansion and change. In the late 1990s, observations of distant supernovae by two independent research teams—the Supernova Cosmology Project and the High-Z Supernova Search Team—provided compelling evidence that the expansion of the universe is accelerating. This discovery was a significant breakthrough in cosmology and led to major revisions in our understanding of the universe’s composition and evolution.
[7] Science research has often proved to be a collaborative discipline, taking place across generations, where tomorrow’s discovery will respond to yesterday’s discovery (see [23]). The hypothesis about the existence of Neptune, for instance, originated from 17th-century observations and the application of Newtonian mechanics in the 19th century. It was ultimately proven with the technological advancements of telescopes in the mid-19th century. This discovery is an interesting example of the predictive power of theoretical astronomy validated by observational evidence two centuries later.
[8] Raymond Queneau — “Exercices de style”.
Written in 1947 by Raymond Queneau, this book tells the same story 99 times in 99 different versions. It is an emblematic work embodying the spirit of OULIPO (Ouvroir de Littérature Potentielle), a collective of writers and thinkers who used self-imposed rules and literary constraints as a creative process for their stories.
Here we have our own exercise: “Slow evolution, sophisticated adaptations, and extreme environments” is the core structure of our “from…to” formula: 1. “From crossopterygians to Homo sapiens” (slow evolution), 2. “From a single electrical impulse at a synapse to the innervation of an entire cortex” (sophisticated adaptations), 3. “From a sole pale blue dot to distant galaxy clusters” (extreme environments).
[9] Exploring using different scales (i.e., approaches/perspectives) is an extensively theorised concept. In our case, we used as inspiration the “Integral Theory” (developed by Ken Wilber), “phenomenology” views (developed by Edmund Husserl and expanded by philosophers like Martin Heidegger and Maurice Merleau-Ponty), and “Systems Theory” (developed by Ludwig von Bertalanffy). These three approaches offer unique insights and methods for understanding the complexities of the world, whether through integrating diverse perspectives, exploring subjective experiences, or analysing interconnected systems.
[10] In evolutionary biology, a concept similar to “historical continuity” or “transition” is often referred to as “phylogenetic continuity”. It implies that evolutionary relationships and histories are continuous and interconnected across different species and taxa. For more information about the interplay between hypothesis and experiment, see [15] and [23].
[11] This description refers to the concept of “brain connectivity”. It describes the intricate network of structural and functional connections that enable the brain to process information and perform complex cognitive functions. It is a fundamental concept in neuroscience and has broad implications for understanding brain function, development, and disorders.
[12] “No man is an island, Entire of itself; Every man is a piece of the continent, A part of the main. [...]” — John Donne, “Devotions upon Emergent Occasions” - Meditation XVII (1624). These lines express the idea of human interconnectedness and the notion that no one is truly self-sufficient, but rather, everyone is part of a larger whole.
[13] The term “pale blue dot” originated from Carl Sagan’s reflection on the Voyager 1 image of Earth, encapsulating the profound perspective gained from viewing our planet from the distant reaches of space.
[14] Many space travellers mentioned a shift in perspective when staying in orbit and observing Earth from above. This shift in awareness and worldview was coined as the “overview effect” by author Frank White in his book titled “The Overview Effect: Space Exploration and Human Evolution” (1987). Key aspects of the overview effect include a profound sense of connectedness to the Earth as a whole, strong emotional responses, such as awe and wonder, at the beauty and vastness of the planet, a heightened sense of responsibility for the planet, and a deeper appreciation of the need for environmental stewardship and sustainability. Some space travellers also reported a shift in personal priorities and values, with a greater emphasis on cooperation, peace, and the well-being of humanity as a whole.
[15] A theory studying how humans adjust their interactions with their surroundings, known as “Ecological Psychology”, was developed by James J. Gibson and Roger Barker. Ecological Psychology focuses on the relationship between organisms and their environments, emphasising how perception and action are directly shaped by the surrounding world. Roger Barker’s work was based on his empirical work at the Midwest Field Station. He explained: “The Midwest Psychological Field Station was established to facilitate the study of human behaviour and its environment in situ by bringing to psychological science the kind of opportunity long available to biologists: easy access to phenomena of the science unaltered by the selection and preparation that occur in laboratories.”
[16] Our project, conducted in parallel to the main NeurAstra activity and called “.xyz”, pushes even further the concept of interplay (i.e., the way in which two or more things influence or interact with each other) by merging scientific concepts with plastic/artistic proposals.
[17] “Dans les moments où le règne humain me semble condamné à la lourdeur, je me dis que je devrais m’envoler comme Persée dans un autre espace. Je ne parle pas de fuites dans le rêve ou dans l’irrationnel. Je veux dire que je dois changer d’approche, que je dois regarder le monde selon une autre logique, d’autres moyens de connaissance et de contrôle. Les images de légèreté que je cherche ne doivent pas se laisser dissoudre comme des rêves par la réalité du présent et de l’avenir…”
— Italo Calvino — Leçons Américaines (La Légèreté).
Italo Calvino was an Italian author and also a member of the OULIPO (see [8]).
[18] The Earth’s atmosphere is divided into several layers, each with distinct characteristics in terms of temperature, composition, and other properties. These layers are defined based on how temperature changes with altitude. They are listed from the surface of the Earth outward: troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, and exosphere.
[19] The Kármán line is situated at the lower boundary of the thermosphere, near the upper reaches of the mesosphere; it is set at an altitude of 100 kilometres (62 miles) above sea level. It marks the altitude above which aerodynamic flight is no longer possible due to the extremely low density of the atmosphere. Beyond the Kármán line, spacecraft must consequently rely on orbital mechanics to maintain flight rather than aerodynamic lift. This line is conventionally used to define the boundary between Earth’s atmosphere and outer space and as a criterion for awarding astronaut wings or recognising individuals as astronauts.
[20] “Where is the chemical stuff of life created”. [...] New tools quickly provided our scientists with incredible evidence that the complex chemical materials or “building blocks” (i.e., the organic molecules that our bodies are made of) that are required to construct living things are constantly being manufactured inside gas and dust clouds that are located in the vast regions between the stars. The products of these remarkable interstellar chemical factories are then added to the fabric of the gas and dust clouds from which planetary systems are later built. When the gas and dust clouds begin collapsing and forming the rotating disks that will produce planets, these life critical chemicals are delivered by meteors and other rocky objects to the surfaces of the growing planets.
— Jerry L. Cranford — From Dying Stars to the Birth of Life
In 2009, a research paper titled “Increased complexity in interstellar chemistry: detection and chemical modeling of ethyl formate and n-propyl cyanide in Sagittarius B2(N)” explored the detection and modelling of complex organic molecules in the interstellar medium. Belloche et al. reported the first detection in space of ethyl formate (C2H5OCHO) and n-propyl cyanide (C3H7CN) toward the Sagittarius B2(N) region.
[21] Neuroscience research in space has gained in importance in the last decades. In addition to the extensive research conducted with behavioural and cognitive tests, experiments involving brain organoids are increasing. Brain organoids are three-dimensional miniature models of the human brain that are grown in vitro (in a dish) from human pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) or induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). These organoids are cultured under specific conditions that mimic the environment and developmental processes of the brain, allowing them to self-organise and develop into structures that resemble various aspects of the human brain’s anatomy and function. It is the perfect medium to investigate the impact of space risk factors on human brain development, function, and disease. In addition, this research not only supports space exploration but also delivers valuable insights into human health and medicine on Earth.
[22] Harmonising observations and, more broadly, data, involves aligning and integrating pieces of information from different sources and formats to ensure consistency, comparability, and compatibility. It also resonates with the knowledge concept of “fluctuation and creative chaos”, which stimulates interaction between the organisation and the external environment. This condition of knowledge is characterised by an order without recursiveness, whose pattern is at first difficult to predict. When fluctuation is introduced into an organisation, its members face a breakdown of routine, habits or cognitive frameworks and the opportunity to reconsider their fundamental thinking and perspective, and to hold dialogue by means of social interaction creating new concepts and knowledge. Some have called this phenomenon creating “order out of noise” or “order out of chaos”.
(Notes from “Knowledge Management: From Theory to Practice” by B. Bresson and D. Boom).
N.B.: It is a process we follow with our SYSTEMS* and KOSMOS+ initiatives.
*SYSTEMS: Systems science is an interdisciplinary field that examines the complexities and interrelationships within systems, whether natural, technological, or social. A fundamental characteristic of systems science is its holistic perspective, which emphasises viewing issues and phenomena as parts of broader systems rather than in isolation. Indeed, the concept of complexity and emergence—where properties and behaviours emerge from the interactions among parts in ways that cannot be predicted by studying the parts alone—is central.
In the context of NeurAstra’s research projects, systems science offers significant benefits. This approach is especially valuable in fields like neurobiology, where it aids in modelling brain networks and understanding how different brain regions interact to produce cognitive functions. For nature research, systems science helps elucidate the interactions among biological, physical, and chemical processes within ecosystems. Ultimately, in space research, systems science is essential for integrating various subsystems, such as spacecraft systems, life support systems for crewed missions, and planetary ecosystems, ensuring their efficient and safe operation.
[23] The following statement is to link with the “Paradigm Shifts” enounced by Thomas Kuhn in his book “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions” (1962). Thomas Kuhn refuted the “development-by-accumulation” views of science, which hold that science progresses linearly by accumulating theory-independent facts. Kuhn argued that science does not simply progress by stages based on neutral observations. For him, the history of science is characterised by revolutions in scientific outlook. Scientists have a worldview or “paradigm”, that is, a universally recognisable scientific achievement that, for a time, provides model problems and solutions. It is a basic framework of assumptions and methods from which the members of the community work. Scientists usually accept the dominant paradigm until anomalies arise. They then begin to question the basis of the paradigm itself, and new theories emerge that challenge the dominant paradigm. Eventually, one of these new theories becomes accepted as the new paradigm. Alternative theories of scientific change, such as those proposed by Imre Lakatos (“research programs”), Larry Laudan (“research traditions”), and Karl Popper (“falsifiability”), offer different perspectives on how scientific knowledge develops and changes over time. These theories complement and sometimes critique Kuhn’s framework.